20 Nov


Evidence Based Medicine office

Clinical Audit course

▫️Clinical audit is a continuous cycle of quality improvement that seek to improve patient care and service delivery through systematic review of care against explicit criteria with the purpose of implementing changes.

▫️It's considered as an important activity in Curriculum Vitae and many countries require this activity such as UK , USA and Ireland. 

▫️Course contents & objectives 

1-Introduction and definition of clinical audit.

2- Importance of clinical audit. 

3- Differences between clinical audit and research.

4- Types of clinical audit.

5- Audit Cycle.

6- Criteria for good Audit. 

7- How to conduct a clinical audit. 

▫️Target Group :

Medical students in the Field. 

▫️Duration : Monday 28th of Nov  2022 from 8 - 10 PM East Africa Time [ 2h ] 

▫️venue :  online via Zoom. 

▫️Trainer :

[ Dr : Nafahat Alsadig ] 

- MBBS Alzaiem Alazhari University, Faculty of medicine. 

- Teaching assistant at medicine department, Alzaiem Alazhari University. 

- Soba Center for audit and research. (audit subdivision). 

- Former Deputy Secretary of Scientific research office of Daoud Research Group.

- Clinical Audit Workshop Facilitator. 

- Conducted, supervised and currently working on more than 10 clinical audits.

▫️To submit your application kindly copy and visit the link below :


DL: 27th Nov at 11:59PM Local time. 

[ Don't miss this opportunity and stay tuned For our upcoming activities ] 

▫️Fees [Certificate included] : 4000 SDGs 

▫️Bank account for registration :

Bank of Khartoum; Account No. 2506337

[ محمد الخاتم فاروق - Mohammed Alkhatim Faroq] 

[ فرع مول الواحة - Alwaha Mall Devision] 

Send the payment screen to the following number 


then, attach the screen in the form to complete your registration.