27 May


Medical Research Office

[ Call For Doctor s Projects]

It s our pleasure to announce the beginning of our Project for this term. 

The first project will be" Doctors Projects" . 

▪️This project aims to assist the doctors in their research projects by providing junior researchers as data collectors or authors to participate and finish their researches. 

▪️The call is for medical professors, consultants, specialists, medical doctors, house officers or recent graduates who have a research projects but somehow they don't have a time or way to get it done .

▪️To submit your application, kindly copy and visit the link below :


⭕ Application Deadline :  

( 10/6/2022 at 12:00 AM Khartoum Local time) 

For more information please contact us at : 


If you have any inquiries, please don t hesitate to reach us at the following email:
