Dr. Wishah Mohammednour Ahmed Mohammednour
Advisory Board Member

BSc, Higher Diploma, MSc, OIU

  • Bachelor of Science in Clinical Chemistry, Omdurman Islamic University 
  • Higher Diploma, MSc in Medical Laboratory Science 
  • Laboratory Technologist, Omdurman Islamic
  • University ,College of Medical Laboratory Science , Department of Clinical Chemistry .Sudan (June 2018 - Now).
  • Quality Control Supervisor , Bioline Company, Sudan (February2018 – June2018).
  • Secondary Medical Laboratory Specialist, Nor Alhuda Medical Center ,Sudan (Jun2017- February 2018)
  • Secondary Medical Laboratory Specialist, Sherg alnil Hospital ,Sudan (January 2015 –November2016)
  • Secondary Medical Laboratory Specialist,Bahry Teaching Hospital, Sudan(March2014-July2014)
  • Secondary Medical Laboratory Specialist, Omdurman Metrnity Hospital ,Sudan (August2010-June2011)
  • Vice president of External Affair at Sudanese Medical Research Association (SMRA)2019-2021.
  • Member of Sudanese Hypertension Society SSH. Young Investigator .2018-now.
  • Member of American Society of Microbiology since 2016 till now.

